Laser Engraved Corporate History

Dear Paul,

Laser Engraved Nested SpheresWhen we were planning my CEO's 5th anniversary I knew he had to have something special. Something unique.  He's an extremely successful and driven individual and he has all the toys a grown man could ever dream about.  Since our company has bought 4 companies (competitors) in the last 5 years (he continues to make my job harder), I wanted the gift to highlight his successes as he has been instrumental.  My friend thought of the "nesting dolls" idea, and as I was talking to my father asking him how to stain the wood and then glue on the old company logo's he thought of you and your work.  I thought it could be a good idea but I had the balls in Los Angeles and you are back east and the party was in
1 week.  I gave it a try.

You were so helpful over the phone describing in detail what your ideas were.  And me, being a non-wood person, you were so patient with me while I attempted to describe my ideas.  You kept me constantly contacted throughout the process (with pictures along the way) and expedited delivery so I could present to him at dinner.  When I received it that morning, I was in complete awe.  I have to say, it was so beautiful, so special I was actually embarrassed about giving it to him.

Laser Engraved Nested SpheresIt honestly was too good!  I was embarrassed about giving to him in a crowd (go figure he hates the spotlight) so while at dinner that night - he forgot about his 5 year anniversary - I explained that I had something really good to give him and he might freak out.  I took out the ball and put it on the table.

He looked at it, saw the "TelePacific" logo and turned around and saw his face etched in wood.  I said open it.  And as he took the balls out he just mumbled something like "how did you..." and kept opening.  For the first time since I've known the man he was speechless (which frankly I would have paid double for but that's another story).

He was so grateful.  He said he was going to keep it in the office to show some folks but it would end up in his bookcase because it was "too special".

I can't thank you enough for having the ability to show him how much I respect and admire him.  I've already thought of other ideas for you but unfortunately my boss is keeping me too busy!

Kim Harrison
Project Details
 The nested spheres were provided by the customer.   She indicated that they were made in Russia from Linden wood.   Laser engraving a sphere required the construction of a special facility.   The laser engraver had to hold a sphere securely and rotate it while engraving.  This required substantial setup work since few, if any, laser engravers are set up to handle engraving spheres.  It was further complicated in that there was no way to test the engraving on this particular wood.  Despite the complexities and rushed schedule it all worked out with another happy customer.